What I wish clients knew...

animation stop motion paper animation clubhouse animations paper Model Eleanor Stewart Scottish Animation studio

What I wish clients knew…

Dear Clients

This is my love letter to you. I wish you knew how excited I get when I see your first email. The *bing* when it drops into my inbox and that first read through when I realise Oh My God! No this isn’t another “company” that tells me they can grow my Instagram following or someone with a bajillion dollars they will transfer to my account, if I just send them my details. No. This person…This potential client, wants to work with me!

Over the years it has become clear to me that the biggest part of what I do is the connection I have with you, my clients. I feel genuinely so fortunate to have worked with such lovely people. I wish I could see more of you in person and invite you to my colourful animation studio for a cup of tea and a Tunnocks Teacake. And I’m looking forward to being able to do that soon when we can. Getting to know my clients and customers has too be the best thing about running Clubhouse.

And when my clients tell me how happy they are with the animation I have created for them, I really feel like I’m on a high, no drugs required! Remember when you were a kid at Halloween out guising (does anyone still say guising?), and you had knocked on every door in your neighbourhood - even that grumpy neighbour who was clearly pretending to be out! And you’ve come home laden with the evening’s spoils. Flying Saucers, Toffee Apple, Curly-Wurlys (try saying that 3 times with a Scottish accent!) Then you and your friends essentially eat a years worth of sweets and chocolate in a single sitting. And after all those sweets you are literally BUZZZING. Well that is the high I feel when an email comes through, from you, looking for an animation. Immediately my head is bursting with ideas and possibilities! These emails will forever be the best part of my job.

See you soon for Tea & Tunnocks!

Clubhouse Animations

P.S. Are you looking for fun friendly paper animations for your organisation or brand? Drop me a DM or email and give me that Buzzy feeling! hello@clubhouseanimations.com

Eleanor Stewart