Is Clubhouse a good fit for you?

For those of you who don't know, Clubhouse is a small animation studio run by Eleanor Stewart in Glasgow. Here we create Handcrafted Paper Animations and models for clients that range from Charities and Museums to Drinks brands and Fragrance Houses. It's super important to be open about being a good fit for clients. Is Clubhouse good fit for you?

Animation studio scotland Glasgow Clubhouse Animations Paper Animation

Clubhouse is for you if…

- You are looking for animation that surprises and delights.

- You enjoy animations which have been lovingly handcrafted and animated by hand.

- You delight in the ridiculous - for example, there is a Giant paper banana in the studio, there is no good reason for this, but that’s ok!

- You embrace all things analogue and low fi.

- You have never commissioned a Stop Motion Animation before and aren’t sure what to expect - don’t worry, we got you!

- You really want to work one to one with someone who has many years experience and is 100% behind your vision.

- You are fascinated by Stop Motion animation and would love to incorporate it into you brand or organisation.

- You light up when talking about all your favourite Childhood TV shows such as Bagpuss, The Magic Roundabout, Art Attack and Trapdoor.

- You love storytelling and creating magical worlds.

- You think it’s ok to have a stash of Tunnocks Teacakes in your desk drawer for “emergencies”.

- You are looking to commission animations that are colourful and feel fun and friendly.

Clubhouse is not for you if…

- You hate colour.

- You are only interested in super slick animation.

- You think handcrafted paper animation looks a bit untidy.

- You are looking for hyper real 3D animation created using CGI.

- What you are really want is an animated version of The Matrix - unless you wish to commission a brightly coloured paper version with less guns and more picnics, in which case - let’s talk!

- You think having giant banana in your studio is both silly and unnecessary.

- You hate fluffy bunnies (ok this one is personal, Eleanor has 2 house rabbits that spend most of their time napping or trying to eat her houseplants).

- You would rather work with a large studio rather than closely with one person and a small handpicked team or one or two freelancers.

Eleanor Stewart